Friday, December 5, 2008

Where I Get My Information

Maybe for my future interest, I wanted to post the periodicals I subscribe to, in order of preference. For those of you reading this blog, these periodicals are where I obtain about 60% of my information; the rest comes from blogs.

1. The Economist (weekly)
2. Wall Street Journal (daily)
3. The New Yorker (weekly)
4. Harvard Business Review (monthly)
5. Taiwan Review (monthly)
6. Whole Dog Journal (monthly)
7. The Atlantic (monthly)
8. American Scholar (quarterly)
9. Cook's Illustrated (monthly)
10. Wine Spectator (biweekly)
11. Forbes (weekly)
12. Businessweek (self explanatory)

Now, let's be honest; it is impossible to read this many periodicals cover-to-cover. I don't even try. My staples are #1-4. Wine Spectator is a picture book to me, so I spend literally 30 seconds reading each issue (it was free to subscribe to for a year, so again, not very important). Forbes and Businessweek seemed like great magazines before, and even during, business school, but the Economist is vastly superior; why waste my time with other business magazines?

I used to read only the business related articles in the Economist, but now I read everything. Having a better understanding of the political news around the world has rid me of the "Dumb American" syndrome. Hooray! The best articles usually are in the "Buttonwood" section, which are somewhat wonky economic discussions. Those articles actually make me miss microeconomics classes...wait, no that isn't true at all.

I subscribed to HBR while in grad school and thought it was stupid. It contains no concrete analyses and all the subject matter is abstract as hell. After two years of real world experience, however, the concept of making sense of abstract situations seems a heck of a lot more interesting. Managing isn't easy, and there hardly is one correct way to approach a situation. HBR tries to frame and provide solutions for those situations.

Are there any other great periodicals that are missing from my list?

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