Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Gimme That That That Nut

I took a trip to the eastern side of Taiwan the other day, and upon entering the city of Keelung, I noticed something on the side of the road. It was a small, free standing room made completely of glass, with green neon lights decorating the corners. Inside was - can you guess - a scantily clad girl who would run over to the cars that stopped in front of her little store. It turns out that shops like these are all over Taiwan and they all sell betel nuts. Yup, just nuts, nothing else. These nuts are stimulants and are often consumed by taxi and truck drivers to keep them awake during their job. I'm sure the occasional businessman will make a pit stop after work as well, but he may throw away the betel nuts after the transaction has occurred because this stimulant is known to cause oral cancer. Otherwise it seems to have the same effects as coffee. But hey, I'll take a scantily clad woman over Juan Valdez as my stimulant's spokesperson any day...

(the title comes from the lyrics of an Easy E song - the rapper from the group NWA; since I work for the airline NWA, and the title fit nicely with my misperception of what the green neon lights signify, I thought it worked well here.)

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